From the midsize business category, the winner was the company GLOBOMAR. Seeking to reduce the environmental impact, GLOBOMAR is doing garbage collection, giving the trash the ideal destination. The company has created the campaign “Adopt a glass”, to bring the employees the idea of reducing the waste.

In the social area, it develops a soccer team project in Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, for poor kids. It takes part of ‘Escola Municipal Nossa Senhora da Conceição’ day care Christmas; it has made a term of commitment against slavery and child work and passes again this idea to their suppliers, aiming at ending this practice.

The company gives donations to the Hospital Pró Criança Cardiaca, at Rio de Janeiro. It also gives donations to the Public Library. It has always been working together with the church Paróquia São João Batista in its actions. And when required, the company has helped in many ways some of Macaé’s entities.

As a stimulus to the employees’ children, GLOBOMAR is giving prices to the best students. There is also the Book Campaign, an action that has been developed together with some companies from TEAR Project to get old books and donate them to city public schools during an afternoon of theater plays, book reading, etc.

The company is also adopting the microcredit for the employees that reduce the cost with energy, disposable glasses and any innovations that they may bring to the company. It is put in a bank saving account that will work as a “loan” fund. The idea is to buy social toasts to Macae’s community and entities. Another project is the elderly literacy; it is a partnership with the company Hidropartes. This project was approved and it will start in March, 2008.

900, Prefeito Aristeu Ferreira da Silva Avenue | Novo Cavaleiros | Macaé | RJ | Brasil | 27930.070 | Fax 55(22) 2796.6263 | Tel 55(22) 2796.6262 | [email protected]